Latinos in Los Angeles County are getting diagnosed late in their infection, often waiting until they are extremely ill before seeking testing or care, the San Gabriel Valley Tribune reports.
According to health officials, 60 percent of HIV cases among Latinos in that county are detected “very late” in their infection compared with 33 percent of whites.
“One of our biggest concerns is that Latinos aren’t getting tested early enough in infection,” said Paulina Zamudio, program supervisor for prevention services at the county’s Office of AIDS Programs and Policy. “Among whites, they test HIV positive and approximately 10 years later they get AIDS. Among Latinos, they get tested, and within a year they get an AIDS diagnosis.”
In addition, the newspaper reports, Latinos made up half of new HIV cases in the county while remaining 47 percent of the population. Nationwide, Latinos make up 15 percent of the population, but 20 percent of HIV cases.